Jobs Board

We all need a job that drives us to do better, take a look below to find the perfect job for you:

In addition to our featured jobs and employment opportunities, we also run a number of features throughout the year in order to provide people with help on how to attain the job that they are looking for and how best to improve their chances of attaining that role.

Below are just some of the companies that we have featured within the recruitment pages of our group:

In addition to our featured jobs and employment opportunities, we also run a number of features throughout the year in order to provide people with help on how to attain the job that they are looking for and how best to improve their chances of attaining that role. You can see examples of these below.

For more information on how to get involved and put together your feature, please contact us.

When it comes to recruitment the efficiency of your business is at stake each and every time you let someone new through the door. Similarly with training, when you send an employee away to learn a new skill or way of doing something – you need to be 100% sure that the knowledge they return with fits in with your business and with your procedures.

The Yorkshire Herald & Advertiser features jobs from both local and national companies looking to recruit the perfect candidate to their business. Our publications reach a vast array of people, all unique individuals with a variety of skills to offer. By choosing to advertise with us you are ensuring the best possible chance of finding that right candidate for your business.

If you are able to provide training to a business, our specialist team will be able to help you put together an advertisement that will allow a business to recognise exactly what it is that you offer can offer them. If you already have an advertisement – that is fantastic, but should you not, we employee a dedicated team of experienced sales people provide advice and support from choosing which title to advertise in to creating campaigns with real impact.

For more information on how to get involved and put together your feature call; 01452 311 811 or email to request further details to

City & Guild

Associate Vacancies

There are a variety of contracted associate roles you may wish to apply for, such as Examiners, Moderators, Independent End-Point Assessors, External Quality Assurers and External Assessors.

New roles are added to this site, therefore do visit regularly to see new opportunities as they become available. Find out more about the current opportunities and how to apply.  The roles are very different, therefore do read the guidance for each to support your application.

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Your Advert Here

With coverage all over the UK, your advertising campaigns will reach your audience directly and conveniently. Built on a digital, subscriber platform every article, picture and advert is seen by our dedicated subscriber base with no waste, nor any paper environmental impact..

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Your Advert Here

With coverage all over the UK, your advertising campaigns will reach your audience directly and conveniently. Built on a digital, subscriber platform every article, picture and advert is seen by our dedicated subscriber base with no waste, nor any paper environmental impact.

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