Education & Training

An Introduction To The Importance of Education

So, what exactly is education? Well, simply put it is the process of learning and knowing. This process of course is not restricted to school textbooks only. Education starts from birth. It is the parents which inculcate good manners and make responsible human beings out of their children. Home is essentially then their first school.

However, typically, when we talk about education we are referring to the formal education that starts from the first school our child attends, where they learn how to behave and understand what is happening around them.

Education is important for everyone in the world. It makes one able to understand what is happening around us logically and clearly. An educated person has the ability to take viable decisions and make right moves at the right time. Human existence without education is just like fecund land.

Education not only enables individuals to put their potential to best use and do something productive in the upcoming future, but also plays a main role in shaping an individual to be a better, responsible citizen and an active member of the society.

But, just how do you pick the right school? Well, of course you need to do your research, the internet and family/friends is probably the best place to start, but the most important thing to do is visit the school you are considering. In our opinion, the very best option available to you is to attend an open day.

A School Open Day brings to life those glossy brochures that you have been poring over at home for many weeks. It really is a valuable opportunity to see the schools for yourselves; meet the teaching staff, existing pupils and maybe parents who already have children there. For this reason, it is hugely important  that you pick the right school to educate your children, your most precious possession.

Because only if the school is of a good standard will your child be able to make the very best of their future. So, because education begins at an early age; attaining good promises a good future because it is education that provides good character to the person as they age. Additionally, good education enables one to make best use of one’s skills and talent and helps in fetching the most competitive jobs. Importance of education can be realized in the height achieved by great and famous personalities in different fields of education.

Get Set For Sats

I am Rachael and having spent 30 years working in primary schools as a class teacher and senior leader, I now provide online tuition for children between the ages of 5 to 12 years.

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